Helping wildlife on Sutton's doorstep

Category Training

Our National Pollinators

Good lord, we’re well into March already. And after a balmy winter, Friday (4th) brought about the years first grass cut in my garden. After blowing out the cobwebs, cleaning the air filter and checking the oil and petrol, off we… Continue Reading →


I’m sure there have been many an iconic verse throughout the annals of history, dedicated to trees. Keats, possibly, Wordsworth, inevitably and Shakespeare almost certainly. I’ll be honest, I did think about searching ‘trees and Wordsworth’ in Google in order to… Continue Reading →


On Saturday, I took part in another wildlife training day at the Ecology Centre, with Dave (Sutton councils Biodiversity Officer) at the helm. This time, we were exploring the lives of dragonflies, or Anisoptera (warriorflies) and Zygoptera (damselflies) as I now like… Continue Reading →

Summer Sightings

Within the past couple of weeks, we have witnessed two butterfly species never previously observed at Anton Crescent Wetland, Avenue Primary School and Cuddington Meadows. The sightings of brown hairstreak (Thecla betula) at Anton Crescent Wetland and chalkhill blue (Polymmatus coridon)… Continue Reading →

New Task Programme!

Here’s the new task programme for July – October 2015! Lots to do working towards our Higher Level Stewardship targets, so continued volunteer support in delivering the habitat management and back-office work is very much appreciated. Please do get in touch if… Continue Reading →

Now recruiting!

Sutton Nature and the London Borough of Sutton Biodiversity Team are looking to recruit a new volunteer Biodiversity Assistant to assist in the day-to-day running of Sutton’s nature reserves, including chalk downland, woodland, open water and reedbed. You will need… Continue Reading →

Biodiversity Education Assistant required!

Please see the brief description below and  download the pack for more information on this exciting opportunity to work in environmental education at the fantastic Sutton Ecology Centre! Apply now! An opportunity is available for an enthusiastic volunteer to run both formal,… Continue Reading →

Survey Season Starts

 Last Tuesday volunteers were out at Kimpton Balancing Pond and Buffer Strip to carry out a Phase 1 habitat survey. As it is reaching the summer months, survey season is now in full swing! Volunteers were lucky enough to get some… Continue Reading →

Spiders for Beginners

On Saturday 31st May, the Biodiversity Team at Sutton ran a course on spiders, which was lead by Dave Warburton with Tom Thomas from the British Naturalist Society. The training day was aimed at beginners to try and edge them… Continue Reading →

Hedgelaying at Sutton Ecology Centre

On Saturday 8th February, the London Borough of Sutton ran a short day course in practical hedgelaying. The course, delivered by Sutton Biodiversity Officer, Dave Warburton, started off proceedings at Sutton Ecology Centre in the Old Rectory building in Carshalton…. Continue Reading →

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