Join us as a nature volunteer in Sutton!

So you want to do something for your local environment? Start your volunteer journey in two simple steps:

  1. Read on to find out more about what we do
  2. Get in touch below.
See our volunteer task programme
What do you need to volunteer with us?

Sutton nature conservation volunteering – why it matters

We are all dependent on the natural world  – yes, even those of us who live in cities. It isn’t just a one-way process of take take take, either. The natural world also relies on us to play our part, whether it be in resource use and selection or simply cherishing the fact that it is there.
All landscapes in Britain are now, arguably, semi-natural, or shaped by human action. Most landscapes and habitats are also largely derelict. We don’t spend enough time and effort to maintain the joyous outdoor spaces that we have. The result? Those outdoor spaces – and the wildlife that depends on them – are quickly disappearing.

Sutton’s wildlife needs YOU

Woodlands, grasslands, ponds & rivers – these quintessential British landscapes all need some human interaction and this is where SNCV volunteers come in. As an SNCV volunteer you’ll have a real impact on the nature reserves of Sutton. Working closely with the London Borough of Sutton Biodiversity Team, volunteers help to maintain and improve sites for public access & enjoyment. But more importantly, the work we undertake also benefits the animals and plants that call these green spaces home.

What could you be doing as a volunteer?

The activities you’ll take part in are incredibly varied and change according to seasonal cycles. You’ll have the opportunity to learn new skills, discover nature on your doorstep in a whole new way, and make a real difference to the wild plants and animals of Sutton.
Some of the activities that SNCV volunteers undertake:

  • Bramble bashing
  • Coppicing
  • Hedgelaying
  • Scrub clearance
  • Fence construction
  • Planting and plant care
  • Assisting with education and holiday activities
  • Botanical surveys to monitor the progress of the work already undertaken.

Task Days take place on the following days:

  • Tuesdays and Thursdays – volunteering around the borough
  • Wednesdays – volunteer days at Sutton Ecology Centre
  • Monthly (3rd Sunday of the Month) – volunteering at one of the borough’s many sites.

Please take a look at what you need to volunteer.

Want to volunteer? Get in touch.

Inspired to make a difference to where you live?

To ensure everyone knows what to expect from their volunteering all new volunteers are invited to an informal induction. As SNCV only have limited resources, Sutton Council’s Biodiversity Team are responsible for this. If you would like to find out more about arranging an induction, or have any other query about volunteering, feel free to drop Mark or Dave a line at

Once you have been inducted, you are free to volunteer as much, or as little as you like !

With Volunteer Task Days taking place every week throughout the year, there are plenty of practical conservation opportunities that anyone can get involved with. Welcoming individuals of all ages and abilities, a range of people, from teenagers taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award to corporate groups, are able to engage in one-off, or regular activities, providing a place to experience what each season brings and be part of a friendly team.

Volunteer Biodiversity Assistants.

Although many volunteers are new to conservation work, others may have some knowledge, but are keen to gain experience, which will be useful for a future career. In recent years Sutton Council’s Biodiversity Team has provided opportunities for volunteer Biodiversity Assistants. Open to anyone, but aimed at people with appropriate experience, the role provides individuals the chance to get involved with more in-depth projects the Team delivers as part of the Council’s Biodiversity Strategy. This means that as well as practical habitat management work, including botanical surveys, there are opportunities to assist with work associated with areas like supporting the planning department on wildlife issues and Biodiversity Net Gain. 

The opportunities would ideally last between 6-12 months, and require a commitment of around 3 days a week. Being a volunteer position, the role is suited to people who live in, or close to Sutton. Although individuals would need to be self funded, as a small local charity, focused on promoting volunteering and the value of Sutton’s green spaces, SNCV have previously been able to contribute to some training costs. 

If you are interested in volunteering, particularly as a Biodiversity Assistant, please send your details to the Biodiversity Team at