Helping wildlife on Sutton's doorstep

Category Ecology

Autumn Creatures

As autumn is now upon us, there are many seasonal changes that you have probably encountered over the past few weeks. You may have noticed the bounty of blackberries growing on brambles; conkers dropping from horse chestnut trees and the… Continue Reading →

Today, April 17th, a good turnout of about 33 people including 11 children joined the wildflower planting party at Sutton Common. The children were particularly the stars of the event ranging from the age of 2 to 10 and showing… Continue Reading →

To Gain or not to Gain: That is the Ecological Question

“Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them?”   If nature had a human mind and the ability to… Continue Reading →

Pond Dipping Deck Replacement at the Sutton Ecology Centre

The Sutton Ecology Centre team welcomed a new member to todays’ Task Day. Despite the persistant blustery weather the team still managed to tackle a host of jobs around the grounds. Whilst some of the team unloaded the woodchip collected… Continue Reading →

Our Nature Volunteers Created Ease of Access on the Sutton Ecology Centre Pond Bridge

Working out of Sutton Ecology Centre today, a full sized team had a multitude of tasks to undertake to keep them occupied. With the pond bridge decking in place since the final months of last year, one portion of the… Continue Reading →

Sutton Nature Volunteers Create Willow Sculptures at Sutton Ecology Centre

An additional nature volunteer contingent gathered at Sutton Ecology Centre today to assist with the creation of some fabulous new willow sculptures… and because we just can’t help ourselves, a bit more besides! What is willow sculpture? Willow is a… Continue Reading →

6 Ways to help your local Sutton wildlife in winter

It may be wet, it may be snowing, but your local wildlife needs your help to survive through the winter. What small steps can you take to give hedgehogs, birds and other animals a better chance of surviving until the… Continue Reading →

Invaders must die! (or, a balanced and well reasoned look at non native species in the UK)

The title is a reference to a total banger of a song by The Prodigy. Give it a listen if you want to get super pumped up while you read about biosecurity and habitat management. I wont mind if you… Continue Reading →

Community planting at Sutton Common – a magnificent meadow in the making !

Sometimes it is hard to put into words the joy that is experienced when things go well. Last week’s community planting day at Sutton Common was just such an occasion. Armed with spades and trowels the Council’s Biodiversity Field Officer… Continue Reading →

People’s Postcode Lottery – Grant funding award!

Sutton Nature Conservation Volunteers have been granted a generous award by the People’s Postcode Lottery, as part of their Postcode Local Trust. Become a volunteer Sutton nature events

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