Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who has entered our Garden Wildlife Photography Competition so far. We have had some excellent pictures of both common and rare species found in Sutton.
For those of you who haven’t entered yet then don’t fret, you still have 1 week to enter!
The competition seeks to find 12 photos to feature in our FREE garden wildlife calendar which will be given out at our annual Bioblitz in August this year.
Biodiversity Gardens has teamed up with local schools in Sutton to produce this calendar, which will feature monthly advice on how to improve your garden for wildlife as well as which species to look out for.
We hope that the recent cold weather won’t put you off from entering the competition, as we are looking for pictures taken throughout the year, so old photos can still be entered.
With biological recording becoming more and more accessible to the public through websites where people can easily upload their pictures, we hope that the photography competition will also encourage people to look at what wildlife lives around them and realise their potential as ‘citizen scientists’.
For details on how to enter, visit our competition page:
Robin Searle, Biodiversity Assistant.