Good lord, we’re well into March already. And after a balmy winter, Friday (4th) brought about the years first grass cut in my garden. After blowing out the cobwebs, cleaning the air filter and checking the oil and petrol, off we… Continue Reading →
Ponds, Sutton’s Ponds In my last blog post I attempted to explain the importance of reed beds and how we assist with their conservation at the SNCV. Being breast deep in silty, thick, stenching water, while shifting literally tonnes of reed… Continue Reading →
By November, I had assumed that our annual grass cuts had been completed, with our green hay spread, our seeds sown and our plugs planted. So surely it was time to put away the rakes and let them lay dormant until… Continue Reading →
In 2013, scientists belonging to 25 nature organisations, worked together to compile a comprehensive stock take of our native species – coined the State of Nature report. Alarmingly, 60% of the assessed species have declined over the last 50 years…. Continue Reading →
September’s weather was rather interchangeable, where north-westerly winds supplied heavy downpours and the need for wellies, while high atmospheric pressure provided plenty of sunshine and dry spells. Fortunately, this weather provided the ideal ingredients for ‘plug planting’, one of the… Continue Reading →
One of our main aims at the SNCV is the conservation and improvement of sites of wildlife value throughout the borough. On Thursday, the team headed over to Roundshaw Downs with the intent of doing just that through ‘sward enhancement’. This is a management technique… Continue Reading →
A couple of blogs back I was reporting on the rare observation of the brown hairstreak Thecla betula and chalk hill blue Polyommatus corido at our sites. Joyous. Unfortunately, this week I report on a sighting that is far too… Continue Reading →
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