Helping wildlife on Sutton's doorstep

Month April 2012

Digging (a pond) for victory!

Last week signalled the end of the Easter Holidays for Wallington County Grammar School, and on Wednesday, with help from a few of the students, we made the final finishing touches to their new wildlife pond. Back in March, the… Continue Reading →

Lets remember that every day is Earth Day

April 22nd is Earth Day. This first began in the United States in 1970 and has since spread to include up to 175 countries. The purpose is to raise awareness of the impacts of climate change and encourage people… Continue Reading →

Microchiroptera, the new way to spell cute…

Bats, flying rodents eh? Tangle in your hair? Squeak a bit? Suck your blood? If you believe the common misconceptions about bats, you may think that they are either something to fear or a bit rubbish at being a mouse.That… Continue Reading →

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