Helping wildlife on Sutton's doorstep

Month March 2014

London Road Edge

On 25th March volunteers were on a task day at London Road Edge, a site which we visit about once a year. London Road Edge is a long strip of woodland which, as the name suggests, runs alongside the London… Continue Reading →

The House Sparrow & World Sparrow Day

Last week, the 20th March marked World Sparrow Day, a day designated to raising awareness for the house sparrow (Passer domesticus) and the threats to their populations, by India’s Nature Forever Society. So why has the 20th of March been… Continue Reading →

Species Spotlight: Dunnocks and a Cuckoo in the Nest

This week we are taking a look at the Dunnock (Prunella modularis), a small brown bird that often goes about unnoticed. Chances are you have probably seen one, but their inconspicuous colour and tendency to sit in hedgerows and dense vegetation, means… Continue Reading →

Hazel Coppicing

Continuing the woodland theme this week, volunteers were out on 3rd March to do some more woodland management, but this time at Roundshaw Woods. Roundshaw Woods is predominately oak woodland with an elm, field maple, blackthorn and hazel understory. This… Continue Reading →


An interesting open letter to DEFRA about the lack of inclusion of Agroforestry under Pillar 2 of the proposed New Environmental Land Management Scheme as part of the CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) reform. Is it not time we moved away… Continue Reading →

Ever decreasing circles… the Government appear ignorant of their failure to protect our ancient woods

Yet more faffing and lack of interest by Her Majesty’s Government on just one aspect of UK nature and wildlife! #greenestgovernmenteverLOL Become a volunteer Sutton nature events

Species Spotlight: Silver-washed Fritillary

Woodlands have been very much in the news these days and here in Sutton, several volunteer days have been spent at Queen Mary’s Woodland recently, and indeed the volunteers were back on site again on Tuesday 25th  February to carry… Continue Reading →

Task Programme – Out Now!

The new task programme for March through June is out now. Click the link to have a peek! Become a volunteer Sutton nature events

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