Helping wildlife on Sutton's doorstep

Month October 2012

November – December Newsletter

The November to December newsletter is now ready. Hop on over to the ‘Newsletters’ page to find out about cattle grazing, the London in Bloom award and wasp spiders! Become a volunteer Sutton nature events

Task Programme

The winter task programme is now ready. We’ve plenty of tasks lined up to help maintain and improve Sutton’s nature conservation sites, so get off your sofa and get outside! Learn new skills, meet new people and beat those winter… Continue Reading →

We Are Recruiting!

After a successful first year, Biodiversity Gardens is very excited to be able to offer 2 places on their BIODIVERSITY GRADUATE TRAINING PROGRAMME, in partnership with SNCV and the London Borough of Sutton Biodiversity Team for 2013! The successful candidates will enrol on… Continue Reading →


While our local wildlife might be seeking out places to over-winter, there is no rest in the Biodiversity Gardens office as we wrap up our Garden Survey Initiative. Over 20 homeowners took part, as well as 8 schools, housing estates… Continue Reading →

Life As A Biodiversity Surveying Assistant

By Matt Pendry. As summer comes to an end, and the Biodiversity Gardens Project starts to wind down, my six month contract as a Biodiversity Surveying Assistant for the project has now ended.  I can happily say that I have… Continue Reading →

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