Helping wildlife on Sutton's doorstep

Month May 2012

Work begins on the wild flower area at Wallington County Grammar

Last week the wild flower seeds and six trees arrived at Wallington County Grammar in preparation for the new wild flower section and orchard behind the sports hall to complement the recently finished pond. Along with some of the students… Continue Reading →

International Day for Biological Diversity

Today is the International Day for Biological Diversity! This year the focus is on biodiversity of marine life and raising awareness through support and taking action. Britain is moving to address this by creating marine conservation zones. The goal will… Continue Reading →

Small Blue project follow up by the Biodiversity Gardens team

On the 30th April the Biodiversity Gardens team went to call in on a couple of households that are running our small blue project that was started at the end of last year. Seeds for kidney vetch, which is very… Continue Reading →


A very wet Friday at the end of April did nothing to dampen spirits for a team from Deloitte, undertaking Corporate Social Responsibilty  at Devonshire Avenue Nature Area LNR in Sutton. As part of the ongoing improvement works at DANA… Continue Reading →

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