Thursday 13th February 2025 - Another large team were once again back at work at Roundshaw Woods more familiar Western half.
Continuing the seasonal clearance to the wind damaged mature trees that have fallen, the greater part of todays activities were devoted to bringing down snagged and leaning trees and stacking the remaining material to leave clear open spaces for future tree restocking to aid the woods overall structure and health.
As usual the volunteers also tackled smaller vegetation where needed with a spot of brush-cutting to the contained grassier glades, obligatory Bramble bashing and slow but satisfying Snowberry popping.
Wednesday 12th February - The team remembered to take photos of some of their efforts as a contingent of Wednesday volunteers returned to the Community Woodland today.
Whilst a small team worked as usual at Sutton Ecology Centre, a larger team joined forces with the Volunteer Tree Wardens to complete a bit more coppicing.
Whilst the Community Woodland isn't generally open to the public, a litter pick scheduled for Sunday 23rd February will provide an opportunity to have a look around as well as assisting to collect years of litter and other items.
Tuesday 11th February 2025 - Although the skies had an ugly grey tinge all day, the clouds managed to retain any downpours as a large team were bolstered by a new volunteer and a Wednesday stalwart.
Making a return to Queen Mary's Woodland the team set up base in the Southern-most compartment of the woods where they set about selective felling and Bramble bashing to prepare space for another batch of Tree whips to be installed
Thursday 6th February 2025 - Another rounded turnout of volunteers spent todays task working on the intersection where Wellfield North blends into Queen Marys Woodland for more prosperous woodland work.
Stretching out along the Northern boundary the team separated into three squads under fairly bright but chilly skies. Along this very expanse the first team set about pushing back emerging Bramble from the woods that had begun creeping into relatively clear fence-line buffer strip.
With another batch of assorted Tree whips for planting the next division set off into the Northern sector of Q.M.W locating prepared open areas for restocking as the third team set about clearing new areas of twisted self seeded and wind damage hung up trees for the next bout of restocking duties.
Tuesday 4th February 2025 - Revesby Wood was a hubbub of activity today as the rounded team of volunteers were joined by the Boroughs volunteer Tree Wardens, a contingent from the Friends of Poulter Park and Revesby Wood group and the handy assistance of Idverde with material disposal.
Working down the Western end of the site, the near battalion sized super group made a considerable difference to both sides of the central pathway, clearing lateral tree limbs from narrowing the path, thinning out congested Blackthorn, punching into thickets of Bramble and carrying out a good litter pick to boot.
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